Inventive Positioning: The Key to Product Success.

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Inventing a product is not just about coming up with a great idea. It’s also about positioning that idea in a way that resonates with your target audience. Product positioning is the art of creating a unique identity for your product that sets it apart from the competition. It’s about understanding your customers’ needs and desires and crafting a message that speaks directly to them. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of product positioning in inventing and how it can make or break the success of your product.

We’ll delve into the key elements of effective product positioning, including identifying your target market, understanding their pain points, and crafting a compelling value proposition. So, whether you’re a seasoned inventor or just starting out, read on to discover how product positioning can help you create a winning product.


Inventing a new product is a challenging task that requires a lot of creativity, innovation, and hard work. However, creating a great product is not enough to ensure its success in the market. Product positioning plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of a product. In this article, we will discuss the role of product positioning in inventing and how it can help inventors create successful products.

1. Understanding Product Positioning

Product positioning refers to the way a product is perceived by the target market. It is the process of creating a unique image and identity for a product in the minds of consumers. Product positioning involves identifying the key benefits and features of a product and communicating them to the target audience in a way that resonates with their needs and desires.

2. The Role of Product Positioning in Inventing

The role of product positioning in inventing is to help inventors create products that meet the needs and desires of their target market. By understanding the needs and desires of their target market, inventors can create products that are more likely to be successful in the market. Product positioning helps inventors to differentiate their products from those of their competitors and create a unique value proposition for their products.

3. Steps to Product Positioning

Product positioning starts with market research. Inventors need to understand their target market and their needs and desires. They need to identify the key benefits and features that their target market is looking for in a product. This information can be obtained through surveys, focus groups, and other market research methods.

Once inventors have identified the key benefits and features of their product, they need to communicate them to their target market in a way that resonates with their needs and desires. This involves creating a unique value proposition for their product. A value proposition is a statement that communicates the key benefits and features of a product and how it solves the problems of the target market.

Product positioning also involves identifying the key competitors in the market and understanding their strengths and weaknesses. Inventors need to differentiate their products from those of their competitors and create a unique selling proposition for their products. This involves identifying the key benefits and features that their competitors are not offering and communicating them to their target market.

Product positioning also involves creating a brand identity for the product. A brand identity is the way a product is perceived by the target market. It includes the name, logo, packaging, and other visual elements of the product. A strong brand identity can help inventors create a unique image and identity for their product in the minds of consumers.

Product positioning also involves pricing the product appropriately. Inventors need to understand the price sensitivity of their target market and price their product accordingly. They need to ensure that their product is priced competitively and offers good value for money.

Product positioning also involves creating a marketing strategy for the product. Inventors need to identify the key channels through which they will reach their target market and create a marketing plan that resonates with their needs and desires. This involves creating advertising campaigns, social media campaigns, and other marketing initiatives that communicate the key benefits and features of the product.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the role of product positioning in inventing is crucial for the success of a product. Product positioning helps inventors create products that meet the needs and desires of their target market. It involves identifying the key benefits and features of the product, communicating them to the target market, differentiating the product from competitors, creating a brand identity, pricing the product appropriately, and creating a marketing strategy. By following these steps, inventors can create successful products that resonate with their target market and offer good value for money.

Stuff about The Role of Product Positioning in Inventing you didn’t know

  1. The first recorded patent was granted in Venice, Italy in 1474 for a device that improved the efficiency of water mills.
  2. Thomas Edison held over 1,000 patents during his lifetime and is credited with inventing the light bulb, phonograph and motion picture camera.
  3. The concept of brainstorming as a method for generating new ideas was popularized by advertising executive Alex Osborn in the 1940s.
  4. Invention can be spurred by necessity – such as Alexander Graham Bell’s creation of the telephone to help his deaf wife communicate – or by curiosity and experimentation like Marie Curie’s discovery of radium.
  5. Many inventions have been created accidentally or through serendipity including penicillin (discovered when mold contaminated an experiment), microwave ovens (invented after noticing melted candy bars near radar equipment) and Post-it notes (created from failed adhesive experiments).
  6. Product design has evolved significantly over time with early designs focused on function rather than aesthetics while modern design often prioritizes both form and function equally.
  7. User-centered design is an approach to product development that involves understanding user needs throughout every stage of development to create products that are intuitive, efficient and enjoyable to use.

Are you ready to become an inventor?

Getting your idea out of your head and into your hands is only the first in a long set of steps towards becoming a successful inventor.

First Steps To A Successful Invention

At Invention Therapy, we believe that the power of the internet makes it easier than you think to turn your invention idea into a reality. In most cases, you can build a prototype and start manufacturing a product on your own. Changing your way of thinking can be difficult. Being an inventor requires you to balance your passion with the reality of having to sell your products for a profit. After all, if we can't make a profit, we won't be able to keep the lights on and continue to invent more amazing things!

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