Revive Your Invention Sales with Retargeting Magic

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Are you struggling to promote your invention or product design? Do you feel like you’re not reaching your target audience effectively? If so, you’re not alone. Many inventors and product creators face the same challenge. However, there’s a solution that can help you overcome this hurdle: retargeting. Retargeting is a powerful marketing technique that allows you to reach people who have already shown interest in your invention or product design. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use retargeting to promote your invention effectively.

We’ll cover the basics of retargeting, how to set up a retargeting campaign, and some best practices to help you get the most out of your retargeting efforts. So, let’s get started!


In today’s fast-paced world, inventors and product designers face a daunting task of promoting their products to the right audience. With so many products and services available in the market, it can be challenging to get your invention noticed by potential customers. However, with the advent of retargeting, promoting your invention has become easier than ever before.

Retargeting is a marketing technique that allows you to target people who have already shown an interest in your product or service. It involves displaying ads to people who have visited your website or interacted with your brand in some way.

Retargeting is an effective way to promote your invention because it targets people who are already familiar with your brand and are more likely to convert into customers.

Here are some tips on how to use retargeting to promote your invention:

  1. Install a retargeting pixel on your website
  2. The first step in using retargeting to promote your invention is to install a retargeting pixel on your website. A retargeting pixel is a small piece of code that you add to your website. It allows you to track visitors to your website and display ads to them later.

    Most retargeting platforms, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, provide you with a retargeting pixel that you can easily install on your website. Once you have installed the pixel, you can start tracking visitors to your website and displaying ads to them later.

  3. Create a retargeting audience
  4. The next step is to create a retargeting audience. A retargeting audience is a group of people who have visited your website or interacted with your brand in some way.

    You can create a retargeting audience based on various criteria, such as people who have visited a specific page on your website or people who have added a product to their cart but did not complete the purchase.

    Creating a retargeting audience allows you to target people who are already familiar with your brand and are more likely to convert into customers. It also allows you to create personalized ads that are tailored to the interests of your audience.

  5. Create personalized ads
  6. Once you have created a retargeting audience, the next step is to create personalized ads.

    Personalized ads are ads that are tailored to the interests of your audience. They are more effective than generic ads because they are more relevant to your audience.

    When creating personalized ads, make sure to use images and copy that are relevant to your audience. For example, if you are targeting people who have added a product to their cart but did not complete the purchase, you can create an ad that offers a discount or free shipping to encourage them to complete the purchase.

  7. Set a budget and bid strategy
  8. The next step is to set a budget and bid strategy. A budget is the amount of money you are willing to spend on retargeting ads. A bid strategy is the way you bid on ad placements.

    When setting a budget, make sure to allocate enough funds to reach your target audience. When setting a bid strategy, make sure to bid high enough to win ad placements but not so high that you overspend.

  9. Monitor and optimize your campaigns
  10. The final step is to monitor and optimize your campaigns.

    Monitoring your campaigns allows you to track the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed. Optimization involves making changes to your campaigns to improve their performance.

    When monitoring your campaigns, make sure to track metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per conversion. When optimizing your campaigns, make changes to your ads, targeting, and bid strategy to improve their performance.

In conclusion, retargeting is an effective way to promote your invention to the right audience. By installing a retargeting pixel on your website, creating a retargeting audience, creating personalized ads, setting a budget and bid strategy, and monitoring and optimizing your campaigns, you can reach people who are already familiar with your brand and are more likely to convert into customers. With these tips, you can use retargeting to promote your invention and achieve success in the market.

Fun facts about How to Use Retargeting to Promote Your Invention

  1. The first recorded patent was issued in Venice, Italy in 1474 for a device that improved the efficiency of water mills.
  2. Thomas Edison held over 1,000 patents during his lifetime and is credited with inventing the light bulb, phonograph and motion picture camera.
  3. The concept of crowdfunding to finance product development has been around since at least the early 1700s when British sailors pooled their money to invest in trading voyages.
  4. Invention can be defined as “the creation or discovery of something new that has value” while innovation refers to “the process of improving upon an existing idea or product.”
  5. Many famous inventions were created by accident including penicillin (discovered by Alexander Fleming), microwave ovens (invented by Percy Spencer after he noticed a candy bar had melted in his pocket near a radar magnetron) and Post-it notes (created when Spencer Silver’s adhesive failed but was repurposed for use on paper).
  6. Intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks and copyrights are essential for protecting inventions from being copied or stolen.
  7. Design thinking is an approach used by many successful companies to create products that meet customer needs through empathy-driven problem solving techniques.
  8. Rapid prototyping technologies such as 3D printing have revolutionized the way products are designed and tested before going into production.

Are you ready to become an inventor?

Getting your idea out of your head and into your hands is only the first in a long set of steps towards becoming a successful inventor.

First Steps To A Successful Invention

At Invention Therapy, we believe that the power of the internet makes it easier than you think to turn your invention idea into a reality. In most cases, you can build a prototype and start manufacturing a product on your own. Changing your way of thinking can be difficult. Being an inventor requires you to balance your passion with the reality of having to sell your products for a profit. After all, if we can't make a profit, we won't be able to keep the lights on and continue to invent more amazing things!

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